Tuesday, March 27, 2012

compare and contrast how technology is used in the united states and one other area o the world

In the united states we are able to enjoy extremely relaxed laws in regards to what is available for viewing on the internet as well as what we are able to say and create. In other countries, for example china, they do not enjoy the same freedom. China's internet laws are known ironically as the great firewall in china. These group of legislation is able to filter webpage results in search engines such as Google and yahoo, and hold ISP's responsible for content published by webmasters on their networks. The Chinese government is also able to be notified when red flagged words are published online whether in a web post or instant message. These words can range from dhalli llama, "free Tibet", Revolution etc. China is also able to block foreign IP addresses and news websites such as the BBC and the Human Rights Watch.

These restrictions have caused chinese web users to create elaborate ways to get around the great chinese firewall. This includes coded messages where they replace a red flagged term for non related or nonsensical term. Chinese internet users have also come to rely heavily the use of proxy IPs. This is where a internet user configures their browser to go first to a foreign IP address and acts a middle party before going to a website you've requested, thereby circumventing going through the Chinese ISP's. This is completely different then what we experience in America. Everything and everything is able to be viewed and posted on the internet within the united states, except for some exceptionally obscene materials. It's extremely important for us as Americans to realize how truly blessed we are as country to have as much freedom as wee do with such a revolutionary and culturally changing technology.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Just watched the weather....Effects of Technology? Or Something Like That.

Currently im taking the class Cap 104 or computer application - computers and society. In this class socio political and cultural impact on everyday society.

What makes this class really interesting is when we looks at the time span in which the first computer was created to our present day with technology being an omnipresent part of our everyday lives.

I mean when a website stops working or you can't get a phone signal or you're only able to download at 400 kbs do you get as frustrated as I do? Chances are you probably do and you get really pissed much like i do. But imagine this when this happens the technology you're using right now for the most part has only been around for the past 20 years and in recent years it's gone far above and beyond what people could have imagined.

I remember when i was a kid and we had our first family computer, my HD on that computer must have been only like 512mb or maybe a few more. But 20 years ago that was a big deal and we relied more on external memory like floppy disks. But now you can get 2TB 7800 rpm SATA drive for like 150$ if you told most people that 20 years ago that might have called you crazy. Even more importantly phones are like mini computers. My Samsung 4g has 1ghz processor and 512mb of rams. My phone is faster then my first computer....

But computer aren't merely something that sits on a desk in a family room anymore. We have computers almost anywhere we go. In forms of car ecu's checkout counters, tablets, doors, security systems, electrical systems, communication systems pretty much everything. Which makes this technology even more pervasive is the fact that we also have an internet connection or access to the internet virtually anywhere we go, and people get pissed when they're in the middle of no where and can't get a signal! People need to check themselves!

Social networks are something that have caused historical changes in how we interact with people and keep in contact with acquaintances and friends. This is also a medium that has only been popularized only in the last decade. I know for a fact many people weren't posting on any angelfire sites! But who would have imagined 20 years ago that you would find out you're getting a divorce via a Facebook notification. Isn't technology grand?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Obama 2008 DNC speech.

I missed my chance tonight to watch the speech first hand, but I did manage to find the highlights of his speech. So my opinions are purely based on that as well as previous speeches from this week.

Obama has a dream sure enough but that's as far as it goes. He spoke briefly of the American dream where anyone can do anything and be anything,he his vision of a brighter American future to all who watched but how he plans to go about it is another issue entirely. Obamas platform for this presidential race has been "Change" and he has brought forward many ideas of "Change" but he has yet to really lay out a plan to accomplish this "Change". He moved on to his plans for the economy. "We measure the strength of our economy not by the number of billionaires we have or the profits of the Fortune 500, but by whether someone with a good idea can take a risk and start a business, or whether the waitress who lives on tips can take a day off to look after a sick kid without losing her job - an economy that honours the dignity of work. ". What disspointed me here is that he did not shed light on his plan, rather ignored going into completely to paint a picture of america how it is with him being the light that will guide us.

Obama has vowed to keep his word on his campaign promises some of which being the ending tax breaks to corporations that ship American jobs overseas, as well as rewarding businesses that keep jobs in America, he also plans on eliminating the capitol gains tax for the small business to bring back the cutting edge jobs of today to America. Along with this he says he'll cut taxes for 95% of Americans. " I will set a clear goal as President: in ten years, we will finally end our dependence on oil from the Middle East. " again he didn't go into specifics or give a look into his plan for it, I for one would be extremely interested in his plan for it, besides inflating your tires/green technology that wont be ready for atleast another 10-20 years.

The was wrapped with talk on American foreign policy and again nothing of particular interest was said here except the usual which went down the the usual Democratic checklist. Use of troops only in matters with clear purpose, check better treatment and benefits for veterans, check, end US occupation in Iraq/Afghanistan, check, reestablish a foreign policy, check, and the tackle of international relations through diplomacy, check. everything seems to be there.

The entire Democratic convention was sort of disappointing, no candidate or major democratic player strayed far from the democratic formula. Pretty much all of them said the same speech except with minor changes, almost interchangeable if you ask me. I shouldn't act surprised though after all this is American politics.

By this point I've grown to accept that Obama is a dreamer, and that is his selling point. He may not have as much experience as McCain, but he does have a vision for America and if he can bring about that vision and support it with plans, outlines, information, etc to support his vision and make it plausable then he would have my vote. I'm sorry to say now, that I am succumbing to the Democratic bashing Republican party, I'm not prepared for another 4 years of what we had but i would like to remain neutral till after the RNC.

Update will happen tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

DNC 2008 Protests


some fairly shocking video of the protests, and yes riots in Denver. I can assure you that you wont be seeing this on CNN or what ever anytime time soon.

Kucinich on fire!

Kucinich gave a riveting speech last night rallying the democratic party further, driving the crowd into a frenzy in fact, at some high points. Although he didn't stray from the normal Democratic laundry list of issues, and more or less lectured the crowd which is the norm of politics lately. Don't get me wrong I do respect the message that the convention is trying to make. Hope, potential, initiative, growth, change all important for the future of our nation. Unfortunately all of that is pretty much just "talk" unless the people get involved and remain involved and ride the politicians asses like they should. As we have seen in the past, during the 60's we saw the greatest political change but this was due to the people being pissed off and actually wanted change and weren't content with just sitting around waiting for it, they went out and got it.

In November we know we'll have the highest voter turn out years, the real questions is if we'll be able to repeat it in other elections, or will we fall back into old habits?

But back to my main point
Kucinich gave a great speech and hopefully the items he mentioned will be changed and we'll see America as the leading world power once again, with better foreign policy, less debt, etc..

Barack Roll

I wish they would play this at the 2008 DNC, now that would be the way to unite the democratic party!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

2008 DMC Clinton Speech

Hillary spoke extremely well tonight, she showed tonight why people believed in her. Unfortunately that all I'm going to give her.

Earlier this year when she was running her campaign her biggest argument against Obama was his lack of experience, a message she did in fact approve. But now she says no Obama is the man he'll get us out of the ditch we dug over the past 8 years.

she spoke of the neccesiaty for green technology, reform of the education system (that most likely won't fix it.), restablish Americas relations nationally(we'll have our work cut out for us with Russia), Universal health care,etc. Solid points most of which have been drilled into our head over the past year during the primary elections.

They also made McCain look like a Bush clone "Now, John McCain is my colleague and my friend. He has served our country with honour and courage. But we don't need four more years of the last eight years." said by Hillary Clinton

Honestly I'm still torn between the Two and I refuse to make my decision based on this. Her speech was more or less a great attempt to get the democratic party to unite under Obama, unfortunately you can't say Obama is not experienced enough to lead as your platform and then go around and tell everyone nope, nope he's the man for the job.